The Meaning Of Life
I’m holding on
I’m hearing everything
I’m keeping an open mind
But I just can't fucking take it
I just can't
I honestly
I honestly
My dad’s been beaten down
No one gives a shit about him
He’s just a fat fucking old man
With no money
A sick wife
And nothing to look forward to
Not even retirement
And I suffer because of this
My dad is my hero
My dad is everything I aim to be
My dad is I
And I love him so
It hurts me
I feel pain
I have panic attacks
I get short of breath
I question is life worth living
I don’t know sometimes
But then I see my dad
And I brush my face against his stubble
I kiss his cheeks
Like Jesus’ feet
I wrap my arms around him
I hold him
I feel his chubby belly in my hands
And I feel love
I feel something that is real
I feel alive
And as I do this I cry
And I forget the sadness I just felt
My hero is Walter Horsley
My hero fought for me
My hero stood with me beside my mother’s hospital bed
My hero sat next to me, while I lay in my own hospital bed
My hero bought me a Toronto Raptors basketball hat and gave it to me as I slept beside my mother when I was nine
My hero fed me
My hero clothed me
My hero bathed me
My hero held me
My hero saved me
My hero made me
And as I realize this
I realize life is worth living
My dad makes me see the clear blue
An unexamined life is not worth living
Thank you dad for showing me
The meaning of life